Secret of Upwork Proposals / Cover letter

  • Sagar Desai

    10/11/2024 at 2:01 AM

    I recently hired 2 freelancers and in touch with 10 more for a project. Here are few things that stood apart

    1. Address with name like Hi Sagar, Hello Adam.. (You can find the name from past reviews)

    2. Never address as hello hiring manager (this is a huge turn off for me – know why? sounds too generic like a copy paste job and looks like applying as a employee and not a professional freelancer)

    3. Keep it short

    4. Mention a few projects that are relatable to the project

    5. Most imp – Show the results. let the client know what results can they expect if they hire you. No vague this and that. Solid concrete proof.

    6. Another big tip – Keep each proposal customised to the project.

    Check out this videos that can help you more :

    1. How To Create a Proposal That Wins Jobs (2024)

    2. Good Proposals Vs Bad Proposals (Upwork 2024)

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